Tuesday, April 15, 2014

10 Tips To Eating Healthy On A Budget

I hear it all the time! "I can't afford to eat healthy, therefore I can't lose weight" or "I can buy all this (usually garbage) versus those fruits and vegetables". Well I am here to help you see that eating healthy can be budget friendly!!

1. Shop in season! When you buy produce that is out of season, then it will be more expensive. It is more expensive for the stores to bring it to the store, therefore you pay for it! The list below shows what and when you should buy depending on the season.

2. Buy locally. This again goes with you pay for how expensive it is for the provider to bring it to you. If you are buying locally, A. you know where and what it is grown in and B. It is cheaper!!

3.It is ok to buy frozen fruits and veggies!! Do not be afraid of them. I buy them all winter because it is harder to find fresh fruits and veggies in my area that are reasonably priced. DO LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS! No added sauces or sugars. Make sure they just say "strawberries" or "broccoli"

4. Stick with your list. Yes, the stores are known for flashy packaging and "buy one get one free". Most times, those products have added stuff to them and will cost you in the long run with your help.

5. Shop on the outside aisles. This is more a healthy tip but you do not want to go in the chip, soda, snack aisles if you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. These products have added chemicals and yucky ingredients. You can however get your frozen veggies and fruit, almonds and so on in the aisles just get out of there fast!

6.Do NOT Shop hungry. I have done this and bought soooo much more than I was supposed and usually it was stuff I would not have normally bought.

7. Buy in Bulk. Sam's Club and big stores like this are soo popular and they are a great way to save money and get healthy foods you need.

8. Split it with a friend. Something I did when I first started this journey was share my meat and veggies with my aunt. It is usually cheaper to buy in bulk but who needs 5 lbs of carrots or apples! So if you find someone to split it with, you are getting it for cheaper and you and a friend are eating healthy.

9. Coupons! I became a coupon QUEEN when I first started this journey. I would clip coupons for paper products, body care, detergent, etc and that saved me money to spend on my healthier ingredients

10. Try new things! There are always veggies, fruits, grains, lean meats, etc that you haven't tried. This goes back to the in season produce. Every season I try a new piece of produce. This expands my food choices and I have an easier time finding produce for cheap.

Do you have a healthy shopping tip? Leave it below in the comments :)

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