Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Getting Fit And Confident For The Summer

For April I am starting my "Get Fit and Confident For The Summer" posts. All things to get hot, sexy and feel confident this summer. It will include recipes, beauty and spa tips along with workout stuff as well. To kick it off is the new T25 Promo Challenge Pack!!!!

It is almost summer!! YAY!! And Team Beach Body has put the Focus T25 Challenge Pack on sale this month. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Shaun T. I also love short workouts that give you results. I lost 8lbs last summer doing T25 before my beach trip (yes that is me in the pic). Short workouts are just as effective if not more effective as slaving at the gym for an hour or more. This Challenge pack offer saves you $90!!!!!!  You also get free coaching, support, motivation, accountability and AWESOME results!! It also qualifies you for my giveaway for the month of April of a $75 value that will help you further reach your weight loss and fitness goals. If you are interested in the giveaway or T25 and my journey on T25, please leave your email below or PM me facebook (www.facebook.com/bbckristie)

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