Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Will Eating Fat Make You Fat????

Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?
The short answer is NO!!! We live in a society where everyone just believes "Oh if I eat fattening foods, I will gain fat" and they cut out all products that have fat and go to "no fat" or "low fat" products. Little do they know that they replace those fats with artificial junk, excess sugar and fillers! They have to ADD to take that fat away. When you eat more carbs and protein that your body isn't using, then that gets stored as fat, not good healthy fats.  Also, eating an excess about of calories a day will make you gain fat.

So Now What?
You NEED fat in your diet to survive and have everything working properly. Our bodies are made to have a certain amount of fat per day. This varies based on height, weight, gender, calories consumed, calories burned but roughly you should have about 20% to 30% of your calories being fat. This does not mean you are going to rush to McDonalds and get a Big Mac because I said you need fat. You need to make sure you are eating the right kinds of fats.

Good Fats VS Bad Fats
There are "good" fats and "bad" fats. Good fats include Nuts, Avocado, Coconut Oil, Olives, Olive Oil, Fish and Peanut Butter and other Nut Butters. These are to be eaten in moderation and per the serving size (yeah put that spoonful of peanut butter down right now because I bet its 3 tbsp not the recommended 2 tbsp). These fats are the polyunsaturated fats and mono-saturated fats, which are essential to having your body run as it is supposed to.

So what are "bad" fats? These are fats that are man made. This includes your saturated fats and trans fats. This is why alot of products now are saying "no trans fats" because they are not good for your system. But PLEASE read your labels and do not always trust the front of food boxes. This is another reason why you should be eating whole foods because then you will know what it is made of. But back to bad fats. These fats are the fats that people talk about making you fat. Some of the bad fats your should be avoiding are anything deep fried (fast food places), whole milk, animal fats, butter, margarine, and hydrogenated oils (found in crackers, pastries and most processed foods).

What Should You Be Cooking With?

When you go to cook, make sure you are using healthy fats (avoid those sprays because you are probably using more then the recommend about anyways are they are full of chemicals). If you like sprays, switch to a oil mister that you can fill up with your own oils. And make sure you are using all natural dressings which healthy oils in well (the fat actually helps absorb some of those nutrients in your salad). 

I hope this helped clear up some confusing on fats and why which ones to eat and which ones not to eat. :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

21 Day Fix: What is it?

The 21 Day Fix! What is it? What can you expect? Does it get results?

I received my 21 Day Fix pack this weekend and I am soo excited to start tomorrow (Monday Feb 24). I have already planned out my meals and packed them for tomorrow so I will stay on track. I will be posting weekly on my progress, my ups and downs and a real life account of how the program works. But enough about me, lets get to talking about the program itself!

What is it and what does it include?
It is a 21 day program with 7 different workouts (8 if you order through a coach). Every day, you will be doing a different workout that works different muscle groups. They include cardio, total body, upper body, lower body, Pilates, yoga and dirty 30 (pretty excited about this one). Along with the workouts, you get portion control containers along with a nutrition guide to help you pick healthy choices while eating at home or out (I will explain in a bit). These take all the guess work out of nutrition. You eat what fits in the containers. If you order the challenge pack, you also get a 30 day supply of Shakeology! It is part of the meal plan and will get you maximum results during your 21 days.

What are these containers?

Each container has its on purpose. They include: Protein, Carbs, Veggies, Fruits, Nuts or healthy fats, Seeds and dressings, and you get teaspoons as well that are nut butters and oils. Depending on your weight, you are assigned a certain number of each containers. For example, I am in the 1200-1499 calorie range, therefore I get 4 proteins, 2 carbs, 3 veggies, 2 fruits, 1 healthy fat, 1 seed and 2 teaspoons. You just put as much food that fits into its container and then eat it! SIMPLE! And trust me, the containers may look small but I packed my food for tomorrow and you get ALOT in those containers. You are also allowed treats through the program 3 times a week (wine, chocolate oo my!).

What kind of results will I expect?
The test group lost between 10 to 15 lbs in just 21 days! I have been snooping around at people doing the program now and they are seeing similar results. This is amazing! There is also a 3 day fix, that is great to kick those results into over drive and get ready for that special event or vacay!

Like I said before, I will be posting weekly my results and journey throughout the 21 days. If you are interested in more information or how to order, visit the link below! This is the last week you can get FREE shipping on the 21 day fix!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Clean Eating Crock Pot Meatball Recipe

This isn't my pic, I ate my dinner so fast, I didn't get time to take a pic!

As requested, some healthy recipes will be posted once a week! I test all my recipes out before I share them so I know they actually taste good (lucky for you!). So today I am posting these clean eating crock pot meatballs. These are great to make for a party (just double the recipe) or when you are craving something "bad" but don't want the guilt.

-1lbs of ground turkey or lean ground beef
-1 tbsp of garlic powder
-1 tbsp of onion powder
-1 tbsp of Italian seasonings
-1 1/2cup of tomato sauce (no sugar added)

-Mix the meat, garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasoning together
-Form 1oz balls and place in crock pot in a single layer
-Pour tomato sauce over top
-Cook on low for 3-4 hours

Serve with 100% whole wheat pasta or roll with a little bit of cheese or just eat alone with a salad :)

Let me know if you try this recipe!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Transformation Tuesday: My Mental Transformation

I love Transformation Tuesday because not only do I get to see everyone else's journeys and how far they have come, I also get to look back at my journey as well. Sometimes you need to take a step back and look how far you have come to keep you motivated and I do this weekly.

Today, though, I am looking at my mental transformation. Throughout my journey, I have been through every possible emotion; Hate, Love, Insecure, Angry, Hunger, Starved, Stuffed, Guilt, Pleasure, Pain, Success, Failure, most all within my first year! I started my weight loss adventure with Weight Watchers and had no idea how to lose weight because before my rapid weight gain, I was "skinny fat" (not being big but having no muscle or tone due to lack of exercise or diet) and never worked out while eating what ever I wanted. So the beginning was a struggle for me. Starting Weight Watchers helped me lose the first 15ish pounds but it wasn't healthy. It was a diet, which is not how life should be. I would starve all day or eat an apple for breakfast, special K bar for snack, small salad for lunch, barely anything for dinner just so I could eat Oreos at night before bed with milk because HECK I had the points! I didn't understand why I felt so sluggish while still losing pounds. Then the weight loss stopped, like STOPPED! For months, I fought with my scale, weighing myself acouple times a day and the more that I didn't lose, the more cardio I did, along with cutting back my food even more.

Like I said in my Intro post, I then found Insanity along with my coach. I was still going to do Weight Watchers but I found out that I could not get through the workouts doing Weight Watchers and had no idea why. Then I calculated how many calories I was eating, 1100-1250 calories a day! WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Along with burning 500 + calories a day I was in such a deficit, my body was holding on to what ever food I ate for dear life! That is when I picked up clean eating and counting my calories instead of Weight Watcher Points.

In the beginning I was frustrated over my scale, hurt because I was trying so hard and getting nowhere, having minimal energy because I was not fueling my body, guilty for enjoying myself at parties and then eating very little the next day to make up for it, and had an AWFUL relationship with my scale and food. By 2013, I received a new outlook for my journey. I now understand (through research and my coach) that I NEED food and that 1200 calories is just not acceptable for anyone, especially someone working out, I learned that cardio is just simply not going to cut it and need to get some REAL exercise into my routine, and to just stop DIETING!  You heard me, I DO NOT DIET! I eat clean, its a lifestyle and I truly enjoy it! I LOVE fresh fruits and veggies, sweet potatoes, chicken, quinoa, oatmeal, and love to experiment with real, natural foods. Along with eating clean, I do enjoy my favorite foods, just in moderation (which is something I have never learned before until 2013) like cheesecake, brownies, pizza, wings, nachos BUT only once a week and in moderation!

I now LOVE to workout, it is no longer torture like it was in the beginning. I have way more energy then I ever had. I actually gave my scale away because I developed a very unhealthy habit of weighing myself daily or acouple times a day and that would determine my mood for the day (LADIES GET RID OF THAT SCALE!) and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. I have a very healthy relationship with food now, not restricting food groups and not starving myself so I can eat the foods I love. And mostly, I am happy! I love to talk about fitness, health and nutrition to anyone that will listen. I love being able to help others on their journeys.I no longer am obsessed with a number on the scale, feel like I have to go to the gym 2 hours a day, feel ashamed to share my story, feel embarrassed of how I look or put on a fake smile for pictures And for once, I am not afraid to show my before and after picture and admit, I am still on my journey because it NEVER stops! This journey is not just physical, it is mental as well!

"Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind." -Anonymous

Monday, February 17, 2014

Motivation Monday

Stop wishing and start doing! You aren't going to get anywhere with a hope and a wish, 
you need to take that first step and then start running towards your dreams!
 What are you going to do today to make your dreams come true?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Goal: Inspire, Save Lives and End the Trend!

My goal for 2014: Help as many people as I can get healthy, fit and LOVE their bodies!

When people ask me why I do what I do for a living, I simple say, "I want to save lives!" Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to help people. I became fascinated with medicine and how the body works. This led me to a week long Summer Medical Camp that I was nominated for in high school, every movie or show I could get my hands on about medicine and medical mysteries, going to school for Nursing (and later going for my Masters), and becoming an health/fitness coach. 

I became an Independent Team Beachbody coach because I wanted to give back to others, like my coach has given back to me. I have learned so much throughout my fitness/health journey (nutrition, how the body processes foods, what workouts work and don't work, how your body reacts to certain kinds of exercises, and not all programs work for everyone). My journey (see my first post) has been tough and amazing at the same time and I am still currently on it, but I want to help others get healthy and end the trend of obesity. In a time where fast food is the easy choice and exercise is put on the back burner, there is a rise in obesity, especially childhood obesity. This leads to high cholesterol, diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure etc.

So how exactly am I going to end this trend? By touching as many lives as I can and helping they start and throughout their journey. I try and lead by example, showing people that "fast food" can be natural and healthy, that natural food can be good, showing you can be a busy person and get a good workout in (even in 30 minutes), and show that you can go from being so upset with your body and how you feel to feeling amazing, happy and healthy! I love hearing everyone's stories and their "why's" to wanting to become healthier and love helping them and keeping them motivated.

Like I said in the beginning, I want people to love their bodies! This doesn't mean you have to be stick thin, starve or be a "model". It just takes a little education, good and healthy food and exercise and your body will transform before your eyes! I thought when I started, that I need to be a size 0, eat very little food and do 2 hours of cardio at the gym a day. I WAS SOO WRONG! You can eat! You do not need to be a size 0! You can love your body and get healthy! You just might need a little help and that is what I want to do for you!!!!! When I see the people I am helping losing 5lbs, 10lbs, 15lbs, lowering their body fat percentage, lowering their blood pressure, being confident in that dress or swim suit, all by eating healthy and working out, it brings me soo much joy because I know that I have touched their lives and journey in some way!

I hope this helps you understand a little bit about what I do and what I love it. If you are interested in earning an income coaching, while giving back to others and helping them reach their goals, let me know either by commenting below or messaging me (kmyers12410@gmail.com). There are Free 1 week coach boot camps online we have, that are great for anyone interested (there is no commitment for joining in the week). You are never alone and we all support eachother.

Have an amazing, happy and healthy day :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Healthiest Meal of the Day: Shakeology VS other "shakes" and "meal replacements"

When I started my weight loss and health journey, I thought that I need to drink my calories because food calories were "evil". I was so lost and took advice from TV commercials and never looked at an ingredient list or what I was actually consuming. You see all the time on commercials to try SlimFast or fast options to lose weight. But have you ever looked at the ingredients of some of those shakes? Half of the stuff you cannot even pronounce! I don't want to put that in my body on a daily basis! Our bodies aren't meant to have that in our systems because it doesn't know how to properly digest it, so it stores it as fat. (Kind of the opposite effect of what you are trying to do right?) I decided to take a look at some of the products out there and compare it to Shakeology, a CLEAN and HEALTHY meal or snack replacer. I use Shakeology on a daily basis because it has 70 all natural ingredients, have 23 vitamins and minerals, helps me reach my veggie servings for the day and keeps me full, energized and helathy! I also know that it is good for my body, just not for weight loss (even though it has helped me tremendously with my weightloss journey). I will talk more about Shakeology in a little bit.

So lets just compare the nutritional facts a minute.
 Alot of people see calories, carbs, fat and protein and stop there! NOO!!! LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS!! Yes, Shakeology has more calories than they average shake out there but guess what? They are all good calories. Not all calories are created equally! Calories from fruit, veggies, lean protein and complex carbs (things that are included in Shakeology) are not the same as artificial, fake and processed calories (what is found in the other shakes below).

Shakeology (chocolate)Vi ShakesSlim FastHerbaLife
Protein18g12g10g 9g

What Ingredients are in These Shakes

Again, if you just look at the stats, it looks like there are options with less calories, but you need to be concerned with WHAT is in those shakes. Below is pics of the ingredient list for each of the shakes listed above. Take a close look because only ONE has all natural ingredients in it.
Shakeology, All Natural Ingredients

Slim Fast, additives, artificial and added fillers
Herbalife, Additives, artificial and added fillers
Vi Shakes, additives, artificial and added fillers

Shakeology: Why I (and you should too) choose it over the other Brands out there

To start, it is all NATURAL! Look at the ingredients, they are all natural, healthy ingredients. Shakeology is going to aid in your weightloss, curb your appetite and cravings, help your digestive system and boost your energy. How??

What to try before you buy a 30 day supply? You can get a sample pack at this link to try the different flavors and experience it first hand. You will not regret it.

Ready to buy your 30 day supply Risk Free! Click the link below

If you have any questions about Shakeology, your weightloss journey or anything, please feel free to contact me :)

Have a happy, healthy day (And Happy Valentine's Day <3)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clean Eating Chili- Just In Time the Snow Day

I have been getting asked a lot to post my Clean Eating Chili recipe that I make about twice a month (it makes multiple servings and freezes well). This is a great time to make it to have something warm, comforting and guilt free for the snow that is yet again coming to the North East tomorrow.

I cannot take all the credit for this recipe, it is actually out of the Nutrition Plan for Body Beast (a Beachbody program I am currently doing and will be doing a post on it later this week). I changed things up a bit and will be posting my version of the recipe. I add lots of veggies and even my husband who does not eat ANY veggies, ate this chili because you cannot taste the veggies with all the delicious seasonings. Great way to trick you picky eaters in your house into getting a good dose of veggies. If you decide to try it or have your favorite snow day recipe, comment below :)

Total servings:5-6 
Total time: 50 min
Prep time: 15 min
Cooking time: 35 min

-1 teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil
-2lbs lean ground turkey
-1 medium white onion, chopped
-1 1/2 cups of zucchini (or veggie of your choice)
-1 cup of spinach (or veggies of your choice )
-3 cloves of garlic, minced

-1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
-1 tablespoon chili powder
-1/2 teaspoon sea salt
-1/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper (optional but I like mine SPICY)
-1 (15 ounce) can of beans (I used Cannelloni beans or white beans)

-1 (15 ounce) can of tomato sauce (no sugar added kind)

1.heat oil in pot and add turkey, onion, veggies and garlic
2. Cook turkey until no longer pink
3.Add cumin, chili powder, salt and cayenne pepper, stir and cook for 1 minute
4.Stir in beans and tomato sauce and bring to boil
5.Reduce heat to low and gently simmer, stirring occasionally  for 15 to 20 minutes
6. Serve with cheese, whole wheat tortilla chips or alone :)

Nutritional facts (for 5 servings and no toppings)
Calories: 389

Protein: 48 grams
Carbs: 24 grams
Fat: 7 grams

Monday, February 10, 2014

Surviving Valentine's Day While Sticking with Your Goals!

With Valentine's Day coming up this weekend, alot of you (including me) are going to be celebrating and going out to dinner. But can you stick with your goals while still celebrating? OF COURSE! Here are some simple tips to stay on track while still enjoying yourself 

1. Find out how the dish is prepared (stick with baked, broiled, grilled or steamed)
2. Stay away from condiments (they just add unneeded calories)
3. Plan Ahead (I usually have an idea of what I am going to get when I go somewhere, which keeps me on track)
4. Pick a chain restaurant (most have their menu and calories online)
5. Don't want to go to a change, eat locally! (This is what we will be doing since it is a special occasion and most use fresh, local ingredients instead of additives and preservatives)
6. Order an appetizer for your main dish (they are usually smaller in size so less calories)
7. Swap your sides (stick with veggies not in butter and salads with low calorie dressing or oil and vinegar)
8. Skip the Beer! (go with a vodka, gin or red wine if you would like an adult beverage)
9. Cook at home! (You will know what you are making and are less likely to over eat)
10. Enjoy yourself and share dessert! (I do not usually go out of control when we go out and I do not get dessert but with it being Valentine's day and since we are going to a nice restaurant this year, I might be indulging in dessert and a glass of wine, just share with your lovie)

Hope these tips help you this weekend have enjoy your time with your loved ones 


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Eating Clean Can Be Easy!!!

When I first started my health/fitness journey, I thought I could eat what ever I wanted as long as I worked out. BOY WAS I WRONG! That worked for about 3 weeks and then my body realized what I was doing to it. Then when I found Insanity, I decided to start eating clean. Now, I did not jump head first and change everything in one day! This is how people "relapse" into bad habits because they took too much on at one time. I took baby steps, changing something each week. A majority of clean eaters eat 80% and 20% not, which means including cheat or "yolo" meals into their diet. This is actually good, not only for your soul and sanity but for you metabolism since you trick it into having to work a little harder with that processed meal.

Now what is clean eating?? It is simply eating less "CRAP" (Carbonated drinks, Refined sugars, Artificial sweeteners and colors and Processed foods) and eating more "FOOD" (Fruits and veggies, Organic lean protein, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and Drink Water). It is all about eating foods that are natural, fresh and not processed with soo many ingredients that it could be a book. If you great great great grandmother wouldn't eat it, then neither should you!
This might seem like alot to change all at once and IT IS! That is why if you choose to take this lifestyle change (and to make it work, it can't be a diet, it must be a lifestyle). Start by cutting out your soda (this includes diet!!) then go to your fast food and so on. And when you cut foods out, add foods in, more veggies and fruits and lean meats. I started with soda and Splenda and worked my way to cutting out the rest. BUT cheat meals you can have anything. So if you want to go out and have pizza, eat pizza! Just don't make it an every day thing and eat it in moderation.

So what kinds of foods can you eat while eating clean?? I like to say that if it is grown in the ground and not made by man, it is good. But I have some excepts to keep me sane and because I am a busy, on the go girl. I included a shopping list below with a list of foods that I have on my regular shopping list. I would like to add that I do get some foods that would be considered "processed" but have minimal ingredients in them. This is another key point of clean eating, if you can pronounce the ingredient or the ingredient list is sooooooooo long, don't eat it. I LOVE Nature Valley bars because they are easy when I am on the go, have very few, simple ingredients and are delicious. I will have a post on different packaged foods I like that I consider healthy as long as eaten in moderation.

If you found this useful or would like more information on clean eating, please post below or go to my facebook page (www.facebook.com/bbckristie)

Have an amazing, happy and healthy day <3

Friday, February 7, 2014


Hello everyone and WELCOME to Daily Dose of Wellness.

I thought I would start with telling you who I am and what this blog is all about. My name is Kristie, I am 25 years old, am a full time nursing student, wife, sister, daughter, mother to my 3 adorable fur babies (my cats) and dedicated Independent Team Beach Body Coach. I will be posting my experiences, nutrition tips, recipes, workouts and motivation along with success stories (along with mine).

My health and fitness story starts much like others do in the sense that I was unhappy, unhealthy and knew I needed to make a change. It started in 2011 when I was at my heaviest. I was so unhappy with myself and was going to the doctor multiple times a month for various reason, being put on medicine after medicine and felt crummy. I also had low self esteem, wore clothes that was WAYYYY to big on me, and suffered from crazy anxiety and panic attacks. How did I get to this point?? Well I got engaged to my husband in 2010, planned a wedding in 6 months, was buying our first home, worked night shift at a hospital and ate what ever I wanted to stay awake. In the matter of acouple months, about 6 or 7, I gained 35 lbs. That might not sound like alot to some people but that is alot in a short amount of time. I used to blame it on the medications, lack of sleep, and working night shift but to be honest, it was my eating and lack of exercise that really contributed to my gain. I never realized I had gained that much either until I looked at pictures of me at my sisters wedding and a vacation I had taken that summer and noticed I did not look like the old Kristie. Even my smile didn't match the person I used to be. At that point, I decided I was NOT going to let my weight control my life anymore and started my journey.

Summer 2011
October 2011

I started with Weight Watchers (which I do not recommend, keep reading as to why) to lose weight, walking on the treadmill 10 to 15 minutes then increased to 40 minutes in between class and work and it seemed to work for me, losing the first 20 lbs. But then I started to up my gym time and was not seeing ANY results. Now, this might seem weird to some of you that I increased my workouts but was not seeing results to match. This is why I do not recommend Weight Watchers for people who was to get the results I wanted because I was not getting enough food to go with my workouts (But that will be another post for later on the amount of calories you actually need). Another reason I do not like Weight Watchers is because everyone I know that has done it (including when I did it) was starve all day so you could have Oreos before bed!! It worked but not long. It didn't teach me the healthy eating I needed to know to get the results I wanted.

In February 2013, my life changed! I had a friend offer to let me borrow Insanity, a Beach Body Program, because I as sick of being at the gym for 2 hours and not getting ANYWHERE! I started Insanity with my husband and the first workout we almost threw up! I look back on that day and laugh because we were in rough shape. I also posted on Instagram asking about Insanity and that is where my now coach found me. She was so helpful with all my questions and trust me I had ALOT. She taught me that my body needed food for fuel and that I was not eating enough to get my results. I fought her alot in the beginning but after 1 round of Insanity, I dropped a pants size. Doesn't seem like alot but in the beginning it took alot for me to get out of the mind frame of only eating 1200 calories versus 1800 calories that I needed. I did another round and dropped another pants size and was gaining awesome muscle. I was soo happy that I did not give up and that I was FINALLY seeing the results I wanted with clean eating, working out daily and checking in with my accountability group. My goal: get back into a bikini by my next vacation and I did it!
My 2 year transformation
After vacation, I decided to challenge myself some more and start Focus T25 (I have a bit of an obsession with Shaun T). Completed the program and then started Body Beast to build some lean, sexy muscle. I have been eating clean, drinking Shakeology, working out regularly, and checking in with my accountability groups all while being a student, wife, daughter, sister,  friend and now coach! I am a work in progress, but as long as I am progressing, I am happy :)

During this time, I became a Independent Beach Body Coach myself, because having my coach with me through my programs helped me soooooo much and I wanted to give back and help people through their journeys as well! I love hearing peoples stories and helping them through their good days and bad days. I love talking about nutrition and fitness and learning everyday about new things about there to help better ourselves. It is truly a passion of mine and I want to share want I have learned with you! I know you have heard this before but if I can do it you can do it!! And I am serious!!! I am a busy nursing student and wife and know what it is like to have absolutely no time to get things done, eat healthy and get a workout in but it is manageable and it can be done and you will thank me later for starting your journey as well!

If you are still reading this CONGRATS!!! I wanted to share my journey with you so far so you know about me before I start posting in this blog. If you have any questions about me, nutrition, fitness, or about Beach Body products, PLEASE contact me! You can do so through my email (kmyers12410@gmail) or my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BBCKristie).

Have an amazing, healthy and happy day <3