I thought I would start with telling you who I am and what this blog is all about. My name is Kristie, I am 25 years old, am a full time nursing student, wife, sister, daughter, mother to my 3 adorable fur babies (my cats) and dedicated Independent Team Beach Body Coach. I will be posting my experiences, nutrition tips, recipes, workouts and motivation along with success stories (along with mine).
My health and fitness story starts much like others do in the sense that I was unhappy, unhealthy and knew I needed to make a change. It started in 2011 when I was at my heaviest. I was so unhappy with myself and was going to the doctor multiple times a month for various reason, being put on medicine after medicine and felt crummy. I also had low self esteem, wore clothes that was WAYYYY to big on me, and suffered from crazy anxiety and panic attacks. How did I get to this point?? Well I got engaged to my husband in 2010, planned a wedding in 6 months, was buying our first home, worked night shift at a hospital and ate what ever I wanted to stay awake. In the matter of acouple months, about 6 or 7, I gained 35 lbs. That might not sound like alot to some people but that is alot in a short amount of time. I used to blame it on the medications, lack of sleep, and working night shift but to be honest, it was my eating and lack of exercise that really contributed to my gain. I never realized I had gained that much either until I looked at pictures of me at my sisters wedding and a vacation I had taken that summer and noticed I did not look like the old Kristie. Even my smile didn't match the person I used to be. At that point, I decided I was NOT going to let my weight control my life anymore and started my journey.
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Summer 2011 |
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October 2011 |
I started with Weight Watchers (which I do not recommend, keep reading as to why) to lose weight, walking on the treadmill 10 to 15 minutes then increased to 40 minutes in between class and work and it seemed to work for me, losing the first 20 lbs. But then I started to up my gym time and was not seeing ANY results. Now, this might seem weird to some of you that I increased my workouts but was not seeing results to match. This is why I do not recommend Weight Watchers for people who was to get the results I wanted because I was not getting enough food to go with my workouts (But that will be another post for later on the amount of calories you actually need). Another reason I do not like Weight Watchers is because everyone I know that has done it (including when I did it) was starve all day so you could have Oreos before bed!! It worked but not long. It didn't teach me the healthy eating I needed to know to get the results I wanted.
In February 2013, my life changed! I had a friend offer to let me borrow Insanity, a Beach Body Program, because I as sick of being at the gym for 2 hours and not getting ANYWHERE! I started Insanity with my husband and the first workout we almost threw up! I look back on that day and laugh because we were in rough shape. I also posted on Instagram asking about Insanity and that is where my now coach found me. She was so helpful with all my questions and trust me I had ALOT. She taught me that my body needed food for fuel and that I was not eating enough to get my results. I fought her alot in the beginning but after 1 round of Insanity, I dropped a pants size. Doesn't seem like alot but in the beginning it took alot for me to get out of the mind frame of only eating 1200 calories versus 1800 calories that I needed. I did another round and dropped another pants size and was gaining awesome muscle. I was soo happy that I did not give up and that I was FINALLY seeing the results I wanted with clean eating, working out daily and checking in with my accountability group. My goal: get back into a bikini by my next vacation and I did it!
In February 2013, my life changed! I had a friend offer to let me borrow Insanity, a Beach Body Program, because I as sick of being at the gym for 2 hours and not getting ANYWHERE! I started Insanity with my husband and the first workout we almost threw up! I look back on that day and laugh because we were in rough shape. I also posted on Instagram asking about Insanity and that is where my now coach found me. She was so helpful with all my questions and trust me I had ALOT. She taught me that my body needed food for fuel and that I was not eating enough to get my results. I fought her alot in the beginning but after 1 round of Insanity, I dropped a pants size. Doesn't seem like alot but in the beginning it took alot for me to get out of the mind frame of only eating 1200 calories versus 1800 calories that I needed. I did another round and dropped another pants size and was gaining awesome muscle. I was soo happy that I did not give up and that I was FINALLY seeing the results I wanted with clean eating, working out daily and checking in with my accountability group. My goal: get back into a bikini by my next vacation and I did it!
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My 2 year transformation |
During this time, I became a Independent Beach Body Coach myself, because having my coach with me through my programs helped me soooooo much and I wanted to give back and help people through their journeys as well! I love hearing peoples stories and helping them through their good days and bad days. I love talking about nutrition and fitness and learning everyday about new things about there to help better ourselves. It is truly a passion of mine and I want to share want I have learned with you! I know you have heard this before but if I can do it you can do it!! And I am serious!!! I am a busy nursing student and wife and know what it is like to have absolutely no time to get things done, eat healthy and get a workout in but it is manageable and it can be done and you will thank me later for starting your journey as well!
If you are still reading this CONGRATS!!! I wanted to share my journey with you so far so you know about me before I start posting in this blog. If you have any questions about me, nutrition, fitness, or about Beach Body products, PLEASE contact me! You can do so through my email (kmyers12410@gmail) or my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BBCKristie).
Have an amazing, healthy and happy day <3
I'm so glad you decided to start a blog! I can't wait to read all of your posts! Good luck and CONGRATS! :)